La mia esperienza ogni giorno al servizio del paziente
“La medicina in cui credo fonda le sue basi nella professionalità scientifica e nella ricerca avanguardistica in campo medico. Ritengo che le qualità fondamentali per essere un bravo medico siano l’ascolto e la comprensione, importanti per creare un legame di fiducia reciproca tra dottore e paziente. Porto avanti questi principi e lavoro sempre con il mio lato più umano, per provare ad essere per i miei pazienti il medico da cui io stesso vorrei essere curato.”

Sono un neurochirurgo con due subspecializzazioni in chirurgia vertebrale e neurochirurgia funzionale. Il mio lavoro è quello di farmi carico di problemi complessi del sistema nervoso e della colonna vertebrale e dare il massimo per risolverli.
Il mio principale obiettivo è quello di diventare un alleato dei miei pazienti, cercando di essere per loro quello che io vorrei trovare in un medico:
- Competenza
- Empatia
- Dedizione
- Mente aperta
- Onestà
Per questo ho deciso di mettere al servizio di ogni persona che mi chiede aiuto, il massimo di tutta la mia esperienza e professionalità.
Consegue la Maturità Scientifica al “Gymnasium Ebingen”, Germania, nel 1990.
Dopo il Servizio Militare a Donauwoerth, Germania, iscrizione alla Facoltà di Medicina dell’Università di Messina e Laurea con lode in Ottobre 1997.
Nel 1997 vincitore di due borse di studio del “SISM”, lavora come interno di Medicina presso il “Cabrini Medical Center”, New York, e in Neurochirurgia presso il “Toronto Western Hospital”, Toronto.
Nel 1998 vincitore della Borsa di Studio “Leonardo” dell’Unione Europea, lavora come interno presso il reparto di Neurochirurgia dell’ospedale “Pitiè Salpetrière”, Parigi, Francia.
All’inizio del 1999 inizia la specializzazione in Neurochirurgia presso l’Università di Firenze con conseguimento del titolo di Specialista in Neurochirurgia nel 2003. In quell’anno svolge attività di ricerca presso il “Barrow Neurological Institute”, Phoenix, USA, ed il reparto di Neurochirurgia del “King Edward Memorial Hospital”, Bombay, India.
Nel 2004 e 2005 lavora come Assistente Neurochirurgo a Lugano e Zurigo, Svizzera.
Nel 2006 e 2007 lavora come Specialist Fellow in Neurochirurgia Spinale e Neurochirurgia Funzionale presso il “Walton Centre of Neurology and Neurosurgery”, Liverpool, Gran Bretagna.
Nel 2008 lavora come Specialist Fellow in Chirurgia Spinale complessa presso il “Queen’s Medical Centre”, Nottingham, e nel 2009 come Consultant in Chirurgia Spinale presso il “Salford Royal Hospital”, Manchester, Gran Bretagna.
Dal 2010 lavora come Neurochirurgo presso la UOC Neurochirurgia 1 del Policlinico “Santa Maria alle Scotte”, Siena
- Association of plasma YKL-40 with brain amyloid-β levels, memory performance, and sex in subjective memory complainers. A Vergallo, S Lista, P Lemercier, et al. Neurobiology of Aging 96, 22-32, 2020
- Brain Aβ load association and sexual dimorphism of plasma BACE1 concentrations in cognitively normal individuals at risk for AD
A Vergallo, M Houot, E Cavedo, et al.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia 15 (10), 1274-1285, 2019 - Differential default mode network trajectories in asymptomatic individuals at risk for Alzheimer’s disease
PA Chiesa, E Cavedo, A Vergallo, et al.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia 15 (7), 940-950, 2019 - Realignment of basilar invagination by C1–C2 joint distraction: a modified approach to a paradigm shift
F Cacciola, B Boszczyk, P Perrini, P Gallina, N Di Lorenzo
New Trends in Craniovertebral Junction Surgery, 273-277, 2019 - Association of cerebrospinal fluid α-synuclein with total and phospho-tau181 protein concentrations and brain amyloid load in cognitively normal subjective memory complainers …
A Vergallo, RS Bun, N Toschi, et al.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia 14 (12), 1623-1631, 2018 - A technique to assess perineuronal mediators
A Goebel, MK Lee, F Cacciola, A Cross, P Eldridge
British journal of neurosurgery 32 (6), 697-699, 2018 - Blood-based biomarkers for Alzheimer disease: mapping the road to the clinic
H Hampel, SE O’Bryant, JL Molinuevo, et al.
Nature Reviews Neurology 14 (11), 639-652, 2018 - Sex differences in functional and molecular neuroimaging biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease in cognitively normal older adults with subjective memory complaints
E Cavedo, PA Chiesa, M Houot, et al.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia 14 (9), 1204-1215, 2018 - Revolution of Alzheimer precision neurology. Passageway of systems biology and neurophysiology
H Hampel, N Toschi, C Babiloni, et al.
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 64 (s1), S47-S105, 2018 - Preoperative manual on-table-traction for the reduction of thoracolumbar burst fractures: A technical note
Petrini C, Cacciola F
Journal of craniovertebral junction & spine 9 (1), 73, 2018 - Complications in the anterior approach to the cervical spine: Which factors matter?
F Cacciola, L Lippa
International journal of surgery (London, England) 45, 160, 2017 - Post-traumatic acute-on-chronic subdural haematoma: an unusual presentation of skull metastasis from prostate carcinoma
L Lippa, A Cerase, F Cecconi, F Cacciola
Case Reports 2017, bcr-2017-221187, 2017 - Posterior fixation as the sole treatment for ossified posterior longitudinal ligament?
F Cacciola, L Lippa
Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine 8 (2), 161, 2017 - Segmental spinal dysgenesis associated with occult dysraphism: Considerations on management strategies
F Cacciola, L Lippa
Journal of Craniovertebral Junction & Spine 8 (2), 144, 2017 - On the nature of facetal distraction spacers
F Cacciola, L Lippa
Journal of craniovertebral junction & spine 8 (1), 82-83, 2017 - Loss of cervical lordosis: What is the prognosis?
L Lippa, L Lippa, F Cacciola
Journal of craniovertebral junction & spine 8 (1), 9, 2017 - Novel use of bone cement to aid atlanto-axial distraction in the treatment of basilar invagination: a case report and technical note.
F Cacciola, V Patel, B Boszczyk
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 115 (6), 787, 2013 - Bilateral deep brain stimulation for cervical dystonia: long-term outcome in a series of 10 patients
F Cacciola, JO Farah, PR Eldridge, P Byrne, TK Varma
Neurosurgery 67 (4), 957-963, 2010 - Reoperations in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS): Does approach matter?
S Srinivas, F Cacciola, IE Collins, SMH Mehdian
Orthopaedic Proceedings 92 (SUPP_III), 425-425, 2009 - Syringopleural shunt as a rescue procedure in patients with syringomyelia refractory to restoration of cerebrospinal fluid flow
F Cacciola, M Capozza, P Perrini, N Benedetto, N Di Lorenzo
Neurosurgery 65 (3), 471-476, 2009 - When is the appropriate time for surgical intervention of the herniated lumbar disc in the adolescent?
B Fakouri, C Nnadi, B Boszczyk, A Kunsky, F Cacciola
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 16 (9), 1153-1156, 2009 - Spinal epidural hematoma after insertion of a thoracic epidural catheter in the absence of coagulation disorders-A call for raised awareness
B Fakouri, S Srinivas, S Magaji, A Kunsky, F Cacciola
Neurology India, 2009 - ”How many Parkinsonian patients are suitable candidates for deep brain stimulation of subthalamic nucleus? Results of a questionnaire” Letter to the editor
F Cacciola
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 14 (3), 264-265, 2008 - Comparison of the anatomical risk for vertebral artery injury associated with the C2-pedicle screw and atlantoaxial transarticular screw. Spine 2006; 31: E513-7.
F Cacciola
Spine 32 (2), 285, 2007 - Adult syringomielia: classification, pathogenesis and therapeutic approaches
N Di Lorenzo, F Cacciola
Journal of neurosurgical sciences 49 (3), 65, 2005 - Trigeminal neurinoma associated with Chiari malformation and syringomyelia
A Goel, F Cacciola, DP Muzumdar
Journal of clinical neuroscience 12 (5), 608-610, 2005 - Giant pituitary adenoma invading the clivus
A Goel, U Phalke, F Cacciola, DP Muzumdar
Neurology India 53 (1), 105, 2005 - Chronic subdural hematoma: Results of a homogeneous series of 159 patients operated on by residents
P Gastone, C Fabrizia, M Homere, F Cacciola, M Alberto, D Nicola
Neurology India 52 (4), 475, 2004 - Atlantoaxial Instability and Retroodontoid Mass
A Goel, U Phalke, F Cacciola, D Muzumdar
Neurologia medico-chirurgica 44 (11), 603-606, 2004 - Surgical management of high cervical disc prolapse associated with basilar invagination
A Goel, U Phalke, F Cacciola, D Muzumdar
Neurologia medico-chirurgica 44 (3), 142-145, 2004 - Cerebellar Liponeurocytoma
F Cacciola, R Conti, GL Taddei, AM Buccoliero, N Di Lorenzo
Acta neurochirurgica 144 (8), 829-833, 2002 - Symptomatic Vertebral Cavernous Haemangiomas: Surgery Alone as Treatment of Choice
P Gallina, R Conti, G Pellicanò, P Perrini, H Mouchaty, F Cacciola, P Conti
Rivista di Neuroradiologia 14 (4), 425-432, 2001 - Antibiotic prophylaxis in clean neurosurgery
F Cacciola, F Cioffi, P Anichini, ND Lorenzo
Journal of Chemotherapy 13 (sup4), 119-122, 2001 - Cerebellar liponeurocytoma: immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of a case
GL Taddei, AM Buccoliero, A Caldarella, R Conti, N Di Lorenzo, …
Ultrastructural Pathology 25 (1), 59-63, 2001 - Pathophysiology of syringomyelia.
N Di Lorenzo, F Cacciola
Journal of neurosurgery 92 (6), 1070, 2000 - Benign recurrence of a cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma 45 years after gross total resection
AL Boch, F Cacciola, K Mokhtari, M Kujas, J Philippon
Acta neurochirurgica 142 (3), 341-346, 2000
Capitoli in libri scientifici e di tecnica chirurgica
- Odontoid screw fixation
F Cacciola, N Di Lorenzo
Cervical Spine, Springer Heidelberg, Germany, 207-214, 2016 - Lateral mass screw fixation of the subaxial cervical spine
F Cacciola, N Di Lorenzo
Cervical Spine, Springer Heidelberg Germany, 151-158, 2016 - Percutaneous Pedicle Screws in the Lumbar Spine
N Di Lorenzo, F Cacciola
Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Lumbar Spine, Springer Heidelberg Germany, 183-207, 2014 - Anterior approaches for multilevel cervical spondylosis
A Goel, F Cacciola
Schmidek and Sweet Operative Neurosurgical Techniques, Elsevier Saunders Philadelphia, USA, 1789-1800, 2012 - Embryology and development of the craniovertebral junction
F Cacciola, N Di Lorenzo
The craniovertebral junction, Thieme, Stuttgart Germany, 14-20, 2011
- The Craniovertebral Junction (Diagnosis – Pathology – Surgical Techniques)
Goel, F. Cacciola
Thieme, Stuttgart-New York
ISBN-10 : 9783131455819